Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Orcs Must Die cracked - THETA

Orcs Must Die Full Version with Crack Tested Worked - THETA
Name: PC GAME | Orcs Must Die v1.0r6 Full version cracked - THETA
Year : 2011
Genre : Action / Strategy (Real-time) / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Robot Entertainment
Languages : English | French | German | Italian | Japanese | Polish | Portugese | Russian | Spanish

Slice them, burn them, skewer them, and launch them - no matter how you get it done, orcs must die in this fantasy action-strategy game from Robot Entertainment. As a powerful War Mage with dozens of deadly weapons, spells, and traps at your fingertips, defend twenty-four fortresses from a rampaging mob of beastly enemies, including ogres, hellbats, and of course, a whole bunch of ugly orcs. Battle your enemies through a story-based campaign across multiple difficulty levels, including brutal Nightmare mode! Will you roast orcs in pits of lava, pound them flat with a ceiling trap, or freeze and shatter them with a slash? No matter the weapons and traps you choose, you're sure to have an orc-killing blast!


System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • HDD: 5 GB free disk space
  • Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
  • DirectX: Version 9
Supported Graphics Cards
nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1950

Link download
Pass rar: blk100

    Sebelumnya Registrasi ke maknyos dulu untuk mendownload game ini, setelah itu login dengan akun maknyos anda untuk mendownload, gratis kok dan yang penting full speed lokal.

    Orcs Must Die cracked - THETA Update

    - Added minimum processor check warning dialog on startup. The game will still run, but we'll let you know on install if you might be encountering problems because of your machine being below spec.
    - Added keyboard locale override from user.cfg - read below for user.cfg details
    - Added full-screen window mode support in user.cfg - read below for user.cfg details
    - Fixed a bug for posting to leaderboards
    - Fixed a bug for posting to total orc count
    - Fixed a bug on the button not going to the nightmare leaderboards
    - Fixed a startup issue on machines with multiple video cards. This should help many people with the "Failed to Initialize" issues.

    Link download

    Sebelum mendownload jangan lupa untuk mengecek semua part yang ada, dan saya sarankan download semua partnya dalam waktu sehari atau dua hari, hal ini untuk menghindari dead link.

    Link: Tested by Koskomputer
    Game: Tested

    Semoga Bermanfaat

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